One day my love said to me I miss you
So I said, don't miss me
Don't be cruel, he said
So I said, enjoy or endure it then
I was so cruel back then
Just as you are to me now
I know you don't mean it
Not as much as I did to him
Now I know why I did that to him
I didn't care about him at all
Not so much as you do about me
That's why you do that to me
We are so cruel after all
To the ones who care about us
To care about someone else
Who doesn't care at all
If you say I love you
You'd never told, so do I
They'd rather say, I don't any more*
That's the way it is after all
I miss you, don't miss me
I love you, I don't any more*
I love you, only if you don't**
That's the way it is after all
*Or : neither do I, two meanings of "moi non plus," from Serge Gainsbourg, "Je t'aime, moi non plus"
** "L'amour est enfant de bohème/Il n'a jamais connu de loi/Si tu ne m'aimes pas je t'aime/Et si je t'aime prends garde à toi," from "L'amour est un oiseau rebelle" in Bizet, Carmen (livret : Henri Meilhac et Ludovic Halévy)